the BOSS AGM is scheduled for Sunday August 17, and we're looking forward
to reports from all subcommittees.
if you are interested in
nominating for a committee position, please complete the nomination form and return via email to the secretary
by Wednesday August 13.
to be eligible, nominations must be from current financial
members. the meeting will be held at the
Outlook at 2 for a 2.30pm start in the conference room. the AGM will be followed by a general meeting.
please bring a plate
to share, and let us know by email if you are coming.
we'll be celebrating national tree day on sunday july 27 from 11 am. this year we won't be planting trees, but we will check out one of our previous community planting sites and talk about trees. please join us for brunch at the Fassifern Reserve where we've already planted 2000 trees. we'll provide tea, coffee and juice, but would love it if you could bring a plate to share and your own chair and cup. we plan to do some more community plantings when the weather is more inclined to support young trees. we'll work out when these perhaps in november and perhaps in march next year to coincide with the international day of the forests.