This is a plastic bag free event, so please BYO bags or purchase one of the many available there.
All 'disposable' crockery and cutlery used is 100% compostable, made from cornstarch, sugarcane bagasse and bamboo. Look for the organics bins for these and any food waste.
Entry is via a gold coin donation.
- Experience a moving traditional acknowledgement ceremony.
- Choose from the wonderland of original designs created by eco-artists from materials normally destined for landfill - combining recycling and imagination to create practical and beautiful bespoke homewares and artwork, jewellery, bags and clothing.
- See guitars created from hubcaps and petrol tanks, bunting made from grain bags and baling twine, mail boxes and garden ornaments from old gas bottles and garden tools, and loads more.
- Buy from a range of environmentally friendly stalls stocking reusable products like shopping and produce bags, water bottles and keep cups.
- Get a discount on your coffee when you use your keep cup.
- View the Guarding the Galilee documentary.
- Get your portrait drawn
- Check out the Batmobile with Bat Rescue and Conservation QLD
- Learn how to make natural skincare and cleaning products.
- Interact with the Australian Bush Buddies native wildlife.
- Watch Gypsy Caravan tribal dancers.
- Hear a bush poet.
- Watch recycled artwork being created from old shovels, cross beams and ceramic insulators.
- Have a go with the junk orchestra.
- See plastic waste weaving.
- Tie dye a tshirt.
- Join the African drumming circle.
- See the thousand flower community made Flowers of the Fassifern tree jumper.
- Choose a spoon ring, and watch it being made.
- Watch spinners and weavers.
- Learn about the Days for Girls project.
- Learn from the Scenic Rim Wildlife group
- Watch the famous Vomitor in action - it's the pinnacle of upcycled art.
- Contribute to the nature based community poem.
- Learn about composting, worm farming, wicking beds, aquaponics and permaculture.
- See a koala up close.
- Learn about native and introduced fish from the Fresh Water Fishing and Stocking Association
- Hang out in the tepee
- Buy some plants and some alpaca poo for your garden.
- Get lucky in the multi prize raffle.
- Relax in the community cafe with delicious food while listening to local original musicians.
- Stock up on fresh local produce.
- See lots of alternatives to plastic - it can be done.
You can see the list of fabulous prizes in the multi draw raffle here, and full details of the festival program here.