Thursday, October 4, 2018

community clothes swap

Coming up next on our calendar is our celebration for National Recycling Week with our annual Community Clothes Swap at the Cultural Centre on Saturday 3 November between 9am and 1pm.

Held simultaneously with the Cultural Foundation's Bookfest, another great recycling event, the Clothes Swap includes women’s, men’s and children’s clothing, shoes and accessories.

If you bring along some clothes, shoes or accessories to participate, then it's free to swap, or otherwise, only a gold coin donation to buy. There's no limits - bring along some stuff, and you're free to take away what you desire.

Upcycled shopping bags and produce bags will be available to purchase, and there'll be displays and demonstrations of some great upcycled textile ideas.

Clothes Swaps promote the perks of reuse and recycling and are great for the environment, but they’re also a fun and interactive way to refresh your wardrobes and cleanse your collections for free, making it a budget-friendly alternative to buying new.

Swapping just one suitcase (20kg) of clothes saves enough energy to run a TV non-stop for 1.7 years.

We invite people to participate and bring along a few items to swap, or just come and talk to us and learn more about the broader theme of minimising waste.

As well as the focus on clothes, it's a great opportunity to bring along things which BOSS collects for recycling initiatives, which include

  • mobile phones and accessories for the mobile muster
  • xrays and corks for recycling
  • old plastic store cards to be upcycled into guitar picks
  • bras and swimmers for the uplift project 
  • hearing aid and household batteries
  • fabric for bags and other crafts, including tablecloths, tshirts, curtains and sheets.

We’ll also have information there on recent innovations in recycling, including toothbrushes and toothpaste tubes, and other cleaning and beauty product packaging, soft plastics and ewaste, plus info on the upcoming container deposit scheme.

check out our facebook event here

thank you

thank you to everyone who made our World environment day festival 2018 event such a success. thank you all for coming and sharing your special wares and skills, your talents and creativity. thanks to all our participants, supporters, visitors and volunteers. you are all awesome.

we've had heaps of great feedback, and already planning things for next year. 
see you next year on saturday 20 july 💖

if you went, please think about completing our feedback form. we'd love to know what you thought, and get any suggestions you have for future events.

Monday, July 16, 2018

festival program

Courtyard Main Stage

 9.45 Official Opening with Jennifer Howard,
Member for Ipswich, and
Assistant Minister of State assisting the Premier

         Senator Chris Ketter 

         Councillor Greg Christensen, 
Mayor Scenic Rim Regional Council

10.00 Fassifern Gymnastics Acro Display

10.30 Lilly and Steve 

11.00 Roman Sakzewski and Buddy Moyes

11.20 Tradition of Acknowledgement with Douglas James 

11.30 Talkin' the Drum Performance

12.00 Nobody’s Baby 

12.30 African Drumming Circle for Children

1.00 Centi Pede

1.40 Ian Gasking Bush Poet

1.50 Raffle Draw One

2.00 Dan White

2.30 Raffle Draw Two

2.40 Lunadorn Gypsy Caravan Tribal Dancers

3.00 African Drumming Circle

Discussions - Media Room

 Trevor Berrill, award winning, private sustainable energy consultant will present 

10.45 - 11.15 Solar PV with storage revolution – the pros and cons of going off-grid

12.30 -  1.00  Sustainable Housing – good design for a changing climate

  1.00 -  1.30  Electric Vehicles – shifting even more away from our fossil fuel addiction


 10.30 - 11.30 Native Wildlife  (grassed area right of entrance)

10.30 - 11.30 and 1.00 - 2.00   Floral Garlands (courtyard)

12.00 - 2.00   Magic Tie Dye (grassed entrance)

10.30 - 12.00 and 1.00 - 2.30   Treasures from the Kitchen (grassed entrance)

12.30 - 1.00   African Drumming (children's workshop)   (courtyard)

3.00 - 3.30    African Drumming Circle  (courtyard)


Laser Cutting a Fire Pit with Colchameleon Designs

Treasure from Landfill Bound Materials with Terina Smith

Plastic Waste Weaving with Susan Nitz

Spoon Ring Making with Lorenzo

Days for Girls Components Making with Hazel Overfield

Here's what you can to expect to see and do on the day - 

  • Experience a moving tradition of acknowledgement ceremony
  • Choose from the wonderland of original designs created by eco-artists from materials normally destined for landfill - combining recycling and imagination to create practical and beautiful bespoke homewares and artwork, jewellery, bags and clothing
  • See bunting made from grain bags and baling twine, mail boxes and garden ornaments from old gas bottles and garden tools, and loads more
  • Buy from a range of environmentally friendly stalls stocking reusable products like stainless steel straws, shopping and produce bags, water bottles and keep cups
  • Learn about solar, sustainable housing and electric vehicles
  • Get a discount on your coffee when you use your keep cup
  • Make a Polynesian floral garland
  • Try beeswax wraps
  • Interact with the Australian Bush Buddies native wildlife
  • Watch Gypsy Caravan tribal dancers
  • Hear a bush poet
  • Watch a fire pit be created by laser cutting a 44 gallon drum
  • Tie dye a tshirt
  • Watch recycled artwork being created from old cross beams and ceramic insulators
  • Watch components of a Days for Girls kit get made
  • See plastic waste weaving and learn how 
  • Join the African drumming circle
  • See the thousand flower community made Flowers of the Fassifern tree jumper
  • Choose a spoon, and watch it being made into a ring
  • Get a free tree from Stinky Bill 
  • Get inspired by the TreeSisters
  • Make a treasure from kitchen waste plastic
  • Learn about composting, worm farming, wicking beds, aquaponics and permaculture
  • Learn about native and introduced fish 
  • Get tips on recycling from Madam Mulch
  • Take home a mermaid
  • Buy some plants and alpaca poo for your garden
  • Get lucky in the multi prize raffle
  • Relax in the community cafe with delicious food while listening to local original musicians.
  • Stock up on fresh local produce.
  • See lots of alternatives to plastic - it can be done
  • Use the 100% compostable crockery and cutlery and use our organics bins

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

multi prize raffle

thanks to the generosity of our supporters, our multi prize raffle has a total value of over $1500. 

tickets are $2 each or three for $5. raffle will be drawn at the event on saturday 21 july. 

check out the wonderful prizes

Mt Barney Lodge Homestead Haven Midweek Stay 

Colchameleon Designs Fire Pit (hand made on the day)

Terina Smith Recycling Artist Sculpture (hand made on the day) 

$100 Maynards Store Bamboo Package 

Fassifern Gymnastics Term Pass 

Marina’s Massage One Hour Treatment 

Bee-Cause Wax Wraps Mega Pack 

 Rata Kai Steamed Pudding 

Wild Soul Woman Online Course Placement from the Tree Sisters 

Beautiful Batches / For the Earth Hamper of Handmade Soaps and Body Products 

BOSS Local Produce Hamper 

 Raw on the Rim Gift Basket 

Far Outdoors Eco Pack 

 Greenlee Farm Macadamia Pack 

Scenic Rim Lavender Gift Pack 

 Body Shop Gift Pack 

Amanda’s Succulent Ball 

 DoTerra Gift pack

SPoilT by Oils Gift Pack

Dianne Carr 'Questions for my Soulmate' Book

BeeJ Products Honey and Beeswax Gift Pack 

 Made from Alpaca Hat and Scarf

Ferrol Critter Creation 

 Deni’s Upcycled Denim Cushion Cover 

Gail’s Rust Calico Cards 

 Scenic Rim eXpresso Gift Pack 

BOSS Calico Bag 

 Days for Girls Shopping Bag

Fresh Water Fishing and Stocking Association of QLD Fishing Lures

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

world environment day festival

saturday 21 july
9am - 4pm at the Outlook
4001 boonah-ipswich road

our great celebration of sustainability is coming up soon, and it will again be jam-packed with innovative artisan stalls, informative displays, discussions and demonstrations; native wildlife and free creative workshops; loads of quality food and local organic produce, plants, a huge multi prize raffle, live entertainment and practical and fun vintage and upcycled wares.   

to keep up to date with what to expect, head over to the facebook event page, click going, and maybe even invite your friends - they won't want to miss out :) 

remember we aim for this to be a zero waste event, and it is plastic free july. so please BYO bags and water bottles or purchase one of the many available there. there'll be lovely clean rain water to refill your bottles, and lots to purchase to fill your bags.

all organic waste including the 'disposable' 100% compostable crockery and cutlery will be composted, so please look out for our designated bins.

here's what's happening so far: 

douglas james aboriginal culture  tradition of acknowledgment 
fassifern gymnastics club
nobody's baby
lunadorn gypsy caravan tribal bellydance
elliott orr talkin' the drum
dan white

polynesian floral garlands
magic tie dye
australian bush buddies native wildlife
hidden treasures from kitchen plastics
african drumming with elliott orr talkin' the drum

trevor berrill award winning, private consultant in sustainable energy will speak on -
the solar PV with storage revolution – the pros and cons of going off-grid
sustainable housing – good design for a changing climate
electric vehicles – shifting even more away from our fossil fuel addiction

artisan stalls 
lorenzo noosa artisan
the shed
deni bags
waterlily beads
made from alpaca
ferrol critter creations
raw on the rim
just be it
elicia's face painting

around the home
bee-cause wax wraps
far outdoors
doTerra australian wellness advocates
beej natural beeswax and honey products
scenic rim lavender
the body shop

artists on show

christopher trotter 
colchameleon design
terina smith recycling artist

pots of produce
scenic rim soulfood
BOSS soups and sweets
boonah scouts bbq
cuppalicious mobile coffee
scenic rim expresso
kooroomba gully
local home brew - peoples choice judging

green corner
scenic rim regional council 
byron community college of permaculture 
BOSS plant stall
made from alpaca poo
bindarrabi community
peace valley
freshwater fishing and stocking association 
amanda's succulent balls
nathan's natives
boonah and district landcare

social change

days for girls
tree sisters 
knitting nannas against gas

entry is via a gold coin donation.  

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Boonah Long Table

Joy, Renata and Jo with our table centrepieces
BOSS is proud to be a part of next week’s Boonah Long Table event for the Scenic Rim’s Shared Fire Celebration.

The Thursday Night Creatives group have been busy over the past weeks producing the eco theming decorations for the ninety metres of tables and eleven fire pits stretching along High Street and parts of Church, Park and Railway Streets.

Adorning each table will be centrepieces fashioned from branches, hessian, glass chandelier drops and other jewels, and uplit with LED candles.

Hundreds of metres of bunting will hang across the streets, and community made flags will fly.

Boonah’s composting queen, Madam Mulch will traverse the streets and chat to diners about recycling to ensure the compostable table ware goes into the right bins.

Coordinator, Julie Jackson says, “We’re pleased to be involved in this event, and increase the level of sustainability to the evening. Our decorations contain local natural resources as well as recycled items, which is always the approach to our endeavours to minimise consumerism.”

“And we’re very happy to be taking away the organic waste for composting on a nearby property, rather than it ending up in landfill where it would feed bacteria and produce carbon dioxide and methane.”

“We’d like to thank the Scenic Rim Regional Council and the Boonah Art Society Inc for supporting us in this project. “