recycling register

If you're keen to keep things out of landfill like we do, check this list of items which can be given a new life through reuse or reycling. 
Thanks to the Scenic Rim Regional Council, we have been able to expand our program to include many more from the Terracyle program. 

The first list contains things that BOSS can take off your hands to recycle or reuse. Please email or phone Julie on 0435 992 798 for an address to drop off to in Boonah. 

And the second part of the list provides information for other opportunities which we don't manage, but are available for you to take things for recycling. 

BOSS collects these things for recycling and reuse - 

Blister Packs
Prescription drug packaging in the form of blister packs for recycling through Terracycle. 
Chemist Warehouse also collect blister packs at all or most of their stores. 

Bras and swimmers (still in good condition) for the Uplift Project which supports disadvantaged communities where bras are either unobtainable or unaffordable.  

Bread Tags
Bread tags are collected, recycled and replaced with funds for Aussie Bread Tags for Wheel Chairs

Old or broken cameras can be recycled or refurbished via all Ted's Camera stores. Take advantage of their trade in promotions run once or twice a year, or drop them in any time.  

Cleaning Items
Cleaning items like trigger packs can be recycled through Terracycle. The plastic bottles can be recycled through council recycling, and we will take the spray triggers. 

Coffee Bags
Plastic coffee bags are unable to be recycled though the Redcycle soft plastics programs (they are too thick), but are recyclable through Terracycle. 

It takes almost half a century for a cork oak to yield its first wine cork and just seconds to throw it away. 
Although recycled cork is never again used for wine stoppers, it is has many other uses such as the manufacture of place mats, coasters, floor tiles, gaskets, dart boards and hockey balls to name just a few.
Natural and now synthetic corks can be recycled through the Terracycle program.
Natural corks can also be taken to some Dan Murphy stores for recycling (unfortunately not yet Yamanto). See Recycling Near You for Brisbane stores. 

Cosmetic and Skin Care Packaging
Empty lip balm and gloss tubes, eye liner pencils, mascara bottles, concealer tubes, deodorant bottles etc are all recyclable through the terracycle program. 
Limit these to those things that aren't recyclable through council recycling. 

Other drop off points include all David Jones cosmetic counters and Priceline Pharmacies which accept empty plastic bottles and pumps from skincare and hair care, glass bottles, jars and pots, caps and tubes in regular, travel and sample sizes, foundation bottles, compacts, lipsticks and gloss, eyeshadow palettes, mascara, eye and brow liners. 

Fabric, including curtains, tablecloths, tshirts, sheeting and hessian bags is welcomed for making bunting, bags and rugs. 

Face Masks
Disposable face masks are recyclable through Terracycle. 

Filters - Air and Water
Air and water filters from purifiers, internal heating/air conditioning units, electronics or pool units can now be recycled through Terracycle

Gift Cards
All plastic store cards, gift cards bank cards can be recycled into guitar picks.
If you're concerned about your privacy on your credit card, come to the Community Clothes Swap and stamp your guitar pick while you're there.

Hearing Aids
Hearing aids are collected for reuse by the Beaudesert Rotary Club. 
BOSS collects hearing aid batteries separately for recycling. 

Media Storage
DVDs, CDs floppy discs, cassette tapes etc can be recycled through Terracycle.  
These items can also be taken to Officeworks for recycling. 

Party Supplies
Disposable party supplies, eg plastic plates and cutlery are collected for recycling through Terracycle. 

Pens and Markers
Pens and markers can be taken to Officeworks stores for recycling. 
BOSS is also now collecting these for recycling through Terracycle. 

Postage Stamps
Used postage stamps are collected by Rotary Clubs.

TerraCycle and Gillette have partnered to create a recycling program for any brand of used razor blades and their packaging.

Lions Clubs International collects eyeglasses (reading and sunglasses) through their 'Recycle for Sight' program. Collected glasses are distributed worldwide to communities in need. In some of these communities an eye exam can cost a month's wages, consequently poor eyesight often goes untreated, leading to further complications.
Donate your old spectacles to Boonah Eyecare, Boonah Lions or to us at 
Broken spectacles are also welcome for the Terracycle program. 

Toothpaste Tubes and Toothbrushes 
TerraCycle recycle these and other oral care products such as dental floss containers, into new items like garden pavers, recycled soap dispensers, waste bins and watering cans.
Boonah Dental are also collecting these for Terracycle recycling.

Xray films are recycled by Quantum Technical Services.

The following things are collected for recycling by other organisations, both locally and further afield in Ipswich and Brisbane. 


All household (AA,AAA,C,D,9V inc rechargeables), laptop, power tool and button cell batteries, plus mobile phone and accessories can be dropped into the eco-batt recycling bins at Boonah, Kalbar and Beaudesert Mitre 10.

Drop off points for household batteries include Boonah Business Supplies, as well as all Aldi, Yamanto Woolworths, Office Works, IKEA and Battery World stores. Rechargeable and non-rechargeable AA, AAA, C, D and 9V household batteries are accepted through these programs.

Collect a battery recycling can at our Community Clothes Swap events or get in touch at other times.  

For Car Batteries, see Scrap Metal.

Beverage Containers
Eligible containers for the 10 cent container scheme can be dropped off at the Boonah Showgrounds near the Melbourne Street entrance between 9am and 12 noon every Monday. Box or bag your containers and mark with your Containers for Change Scheme ID, and funds are usually in your bank account by the next day. If you'd like to donate your refund to BOSS, our scheme ID is C10001394.

There are also permanent bag drop off points at the Boonah Showgrounds near the Melbourne Street entrance and the Kalbar Hotel. Aratula Tavern is no longer a drop off point.

Just ensure your bag fits in the chute, and is labelled with your scheme ID.
Home pick ups can also be arranged online.

Please remember to remove lids. 

The Boonah Rotary Club participates in the Surfers Sunrise Wheelchair Trust which is dedicated to making sturdy, rough terrain wheelchairs from recycled bicycle frames and other materials that are then donated to handicapped children around the world.
Bikes can be left at the signposted collection point at the Boonah Transfer Station.

The Boonah and District Cultural Foundation hold an annual Bookfest during National Recycling Week (November) to raise community funds.
Books, games, jigsaws, DVDs and CDs can be donated in the leadup to the event and delivered to the Boonah Library. Contact Lacey Sawtell on 5463 3081 for more details.

There are also a number of neighbourhood street libraries, including those at Oppy's Fruit and Veg, Yeates Avenue, Boonah and 26 Hudson Street, Kalbar. 

BOSS holds annual Community Clothes Swaps simultaneously with the Boonah Cultural Foundation's Bookfest held in November during National Recycling Week at the Boonah Cultural Centre. It's free to participate if you bring along good quality clothes to swap, or only a donation of a gold coin otherwise. This includes clothes, shoes and accessories for ladies', men's and children's wear.
Otherwise take them to our local op shops. 

Any electrical appliance that has a plug (except CRT monitors and CRT TVs) or is operated by a battery can be recycled. Locally, they can be dropped off at the Boonah, Beaudesert, Canungra, Rathdowney and Tamborine Mountain Transfer Stations.

The Raceview Repurpose Shed at 117 Wildey Street, Raceview will accept electronics, computers, mobile phones, as well as whitegoods, mowers and timber furniture which they will refurbish, repurpose or recycle. These can be working or not.

Household Goods
Donate all unwanted household items, including clothes to the local op shops run by the Salvation Army, St Vincent de Paul, Harvest Point and the Anglican Church.
Or take advantage of the many local selling and giveway pages on Facebook.

Plastic milk, juice and water bottle lids can be dropped into Oppy's Fruit and Veg, Yeates Avenue Boonah for recycling.
Lids can also go in the blue bin at the entrance to 7166 Cunningham Highway, Aratula.
Please ensure they are clean, any inserts are removed, and they are preferably sorted by colour.  

Light Bulbs
Low energy bulbs like compact fluorescent lamp, halogens and incandescents are accepted at IKEA for recycling. Generally about 80% of a CFLi is recycled for material recovery (metal, glass, mercury). Plastic constitutes most of the remaining 20% and is generally used for energy production.

Return Unwanted Medicines (RUM) project is a national scheme for out-of-date and unwanted medicines. This scheme urges Australians to discard their medicines in a responsible manner. The returned medicines are then disposed of safely. They are in no way reused or recycled. Out-of-date and unwanted medicines can be taken to the Boonah and Kalbar Pharmacies.

All ferrous and nonferrous metals from around the Fassifern district can be collected for recycling. This includes lead acid batteries, metal automotive and marine parts, radiators, cars, motorbikes, whitegoods - all steel, copper, brass, aluminium and stainless steel. 
Phone Pat on 0447 352 124 or 5463 4004 to arrange collection.
Or alternatively, all Scenic Rim Transfer Stations have special areas for these items.

Mobile Phones and Accessories
Over 90% of a mobile phone and its accessories are recyclable. The materials recovered can be used to make batteries, jewellery, fence posts and stainless steel.
Drop off points include Australia Post Offices, Boonah Library and Council Chambers. Or send post free in the specially marked bags via Australia Post.

Leftover paint and tins can be dropped off at Boonah, Beaudesert and Canungra Transfer Stations at the designated Paintback area. Paintback can accept architectural paint, deck coatings, floor paints, primers, sealers, stains, shellacs, undercoats, varnishes, and wood coatings.

Plastics (Soft)
This program has been suspended due to difficulties in the system.  The state and federal governments have recently funded some SEQ businesses in the field of soft plastics recycling, and it is hoped that it will begin again soon.
Soft plastics are collected for recycling through most Coles and Woolworths stores. They are recycled into outdoor furniture, decking, fencing, bollards and exercise equipment by REPLAS. Look for the specially marked bins at Coles and Woolworths where you can drop off shopping bags, fresh fruit and vegie bags, bread bags, biscuit, confectionery, frozen food, rice and pasta packaging, plastic post packs, bubble wrap, onion bags and reusable ‘green’ bags - soft plastic is any plastic that can be scrunched.  Locations include Woolworths at Yamanto, and Coles at Beaudesert, Springfield, Ipswich, Riverlink and many others which can be found on the RedCycle Store Locator.

Polystyrene and expanded polystyrene can be dropped off for recycling at Polystyrene Recycling QLD between 7am and 3pm Monday to Friday at 105B Colebard Street West, Acacia Ridge.
All polystyrene and expanded polystyrene must be clean and non-contaminated otherwise it cannot be recycled. Examples of contamination include tape, stickers, glues, paint, concrete, metal, food or other foreign objects.
Phone them on 3277 9999 to discuss drop-off for large volumes.

Printer Cartridges
All types and brands of printer cartridges used in printers, photocopiers, multi-function centres and fax machines can be recycled. This includes inkjet cartridges, laser cartridges, toner bottles, fuser and drum units, fax rolls, print heads, waste hoppers / containers collectors and kits.
Printer cartridges can be taken to Boonah Business Supplies and Australia Post Offices.

TreadLightly is a national recycling initiative that takes unwanted sport and active lifestyle footwear and responsibly recycles it to give it new life.
Footwear recycled include athletic lifestyle and any sports shoes, football boots, sneakers, trainers, runners, hiking boots, golf shoes, thongs and slides, gum boots and formal leather shoes.

Closest dropoff points to Boonah are Athlete's Foot, Riverlink Ipswich, Rebel Ipswich and Platypus Shoes at Yamanto. Check online for more locations. 
If you can't make it there, we will take them for you.

Sports Balls
Treadlightly has partnered with Rebel Sports and sports clubs to offer collection points to recycle clean, used sports balls. 
Rebel Sports at Riverlink and Springfield are drop off points.

The Big W Toys for Joy program will accept all brands of old and broken plastic, metal and plush toys, as well as electric toys (with batteries removed).
These can be taken to all if not most Big W stores, and they will be recycled through Terracycle. 
Of course, if the toys are still good, please consider donating them to an op shop or friends.

Old and damaged (dry) wetsuits can be taken to Rip Curl at Pacific Fair, Broadbeach for recycling through a Terracycle program
This does not include booties, gloves, helmets or diving suits. 

The Freecycle Network™ is made up of 4,832 groups with 7,331,327 members across the globe. It's a grassroots and entirely nonprofit movement of people who are giving (and getting) stuff for free in their own towns and thus keeping good stuff out of landfills.
Membership is free and operates online via a Yahoo group. Everything posted must be FREE, legal and appropriate for all ages.
To participate and view the items being given away or sought, you must be a member of the local group. Email the moderator to join. Choose either beaudesert or ipswich or both.

After the development of the community recycling space with social enterprise SORT Recycling Inc, which sadly closed down to changes in funding, we didn't want to lose the opportunities which had been set up, and we are keen to continue this work.

We are always on the lookout for information about what's being recycled and reused around the Boonah area. if you have anything to add to the register please email or leave a comment below.


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    1. thanks for checking out our information james. yes, the challenge is always to raise people's awareness. we love what you're doing over at dynamic recycling.

  5. I am so impressed
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  6. thanks for your interest in our blog Calgary computer recycling. great to see what you're doing over there in Canada. happy recycling !!

  7. hi Julie, thanks so much for your comment. I'm not sure about browns plains or springfield, but maybe the tip shop at browns plains might be able to help with your query.

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  113. This recycling register is an excellent resource for anyone looking to make more eco-friendly choices. It is great to see a comprehensive list that supports sustainable practices and encourages recycling in our communities. The detailed information provided helps individuals and businesses find the right places to recycle a wide range of materials. For those who need to dispose of old vehicles responsibly, finding a reliable car wrecker near me has never been easier, thanks to such valuable guides.

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  115. Recycling is an important practice that helps protect our environment by reducing waste and conserving resources. It involves collecting used items such as paper plastic and glass and processing them to be reused in new products with Car Parts Recyclers In Sydney.

  116. This Recycling Register is an excellent resource for the community, providing valuable information on how to responsibly dispose of various items. It's great to see such a comprehensive list that encourages sustainable practices and environmental stewardship. These efforts play a crucial role in reducing waste and promoting recycling. If you're in Adelaide and need to sell your car, consider using Ezy Sell My Car Adelaide for an easy and eco-friendly option.
    Read More:

  117. This recycling register is an excellent initiative, making it easier for people to contribute to a sustainable future. It's inspiring to see communities coming together to reduce waste and repurpose resources. For those with old vehicles, recycling can be equally rewarding—you can even earn top cash for cars while helping the environment!

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  119. Great initiative with the recycling register! It’s fantastic to see such a well-organized effort to encourage recycling and sustainability. The information is clear and helpful, making it easier for people to take action and reduce their environmental footprint. Speaking of sustainability, when it’s time to get rid of an old vehicle, it’s always best to go with a responsible option. If you’re in Adelaide, searching for car wreckers near me in Adelaide is a great way to ensure your car is disposed of in an eco-friendly manner.

  120. This blog provides some really valuable insights into the importance of recycling, especially when it comes to vehicles. It's great to see a platform that encourages people to take responsibility for their old, unwanted cars in an environmentally-friendly way. Recycling not only helps reduce waste but also supports sustainability by reusing valuable materials. For those in Sydney looking to get rid of their old cars, car wreckers Sydney are a fantastic option to consider.
