Wednesday, December 22, 2010
boonah to ipswich trail plan open for comment
Your feedback will help finalise the plan and deliver a new recreation trail for non-motorised trail users in South East Queensland, and we need you to contribute your thoughts on how we make this the best trail in SEQ !!!!
How to have your say - Please download the submission form (39 KB) and provide your response under the relevant headings of the form. You can submit your feedback via post, fax or email to:
The Project Manager Draft Boonah to Ipswich Trail Plan
Department of Infrastructure and Planning
Post: PO Box 15009 City East Qld 4002
Fax: 07 3224 4683
For enquiries contact the department.
Submissions close on 18 February 2011
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
public education for our future

This is your opportunity to have your say and help get a better deal for the millions of families who rely on our public schools, including everyone at Boonah State School.
More funding for public schools would mean smaller class sizes and more individual attention for students. It’s the best investment we could make for our future.
Did you know that currently public schools receive a fixed amount of around $1,000 per student each year, while private schools receive up to $7,000 per student, regardless of the school’s other income, its wealth or resources ? In total, private schools get two thirds of the money the federal government spends on schools, even though they only educate one third of students. If nothing is done to change this the public school share will fall even further.
We must move away from a system that puts private schools first and extends privilege rather than opportunity.
If you care about the education of our children and the quality of public education in Australia, and want to make a difference, please visit it’s as easy as adding your name to the petition or writing a simple submission. Working together we can convince the politicians that their top priority should be investing more in our public schools and our children.
Friday, December 3, 2010
fassifern reserve
many more than in the photo came along. these were just the early birds who got there on time.
it was a great day with wonderful company, good food, and lots achieved.
lots more photos are accessible on facebook, even if you're not on facebook.
there's now around 1,000 trees in this planting, and once the project is complete, around 2,000 will be in the ground.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
free trees program
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
environmental arts program


fracking is now happening in australia, and you can find out more and contribute to the discussion at
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
community planting day
there's currently around 500 trees in, and by the time the project is complete, there will be around 2000. feel free to bring any friends along who may be interested, and a plate to share for morning tea. a chair would also be a good idea. it should be a fun morning.
the day will focus on the planting and starts at 9am to be followed by a short meeting with morning tea. this will be our last get together for the year, so we won't be having a lengthy meeting, however if you have any pressing agenda items, please let me know.
we are aiming to plant a few trees and spread some mulch, so please bring along your hat, garden gloves and water bottle. buckets, mattocks or picks, and brushcutters would also be handy if that's convenient. it would be best to wear long trousers and enclosed sturdy footwear. don't worry if you're not into getting your hands too dirty, i'm sure there'll be something you can help with.
if you have any questions, please send an email.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
scenic rim 2030 vision on waste
Council has prepared a draft regional waste management strategy for 2010 - 2030. called 2030 Vision on Waste, the strategy considers how Council will cater for future waste and recycling needs.
this is the perfect opportunity to let council know what you think, such as the need for e-waste collections and public place recycling, the regularity of recycling bin collections, education etc.
Email comments to Adrian Smith at council.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
boonah to ipswich trail

Saturday, November 6, 2010
scenic rim local food supply chain research

Friday, October 29, 2010
national recycling week event

come along and get the lowdown on recycling and composting from madame mulch and join in with the junk orchestra.
bring along any old mobiles, spectacles, corks, 2 litre coke bottles for recycling or reusing.
food and plants will also be on offer for sale, and loads of information on recycling for our region.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
boonah bookfest

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
a community garden for boonah

we are working with council to organise one for our local boonah community.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
madame mulch survey
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
september BOSS meeting
agenda includes project updates on the waste education program, fassifern reserve revegetation project, aquaponics; report backs from the brigalow field day and arrow energy coal seam exploration info session, as well as funding news.
Friday, September 10, 2010
home sustainability assessments
bookings can be made at the markets or there's an opportunity to get in early and arrange a free home energy audit with vacancies on friday 24th September at 11am, 1pm, 3pm and 5pm.
assessments take about one and a half hours to complete, and a tailored report is then sent to your home by post.
Nancy and Andrew are also able to take bookings for follow up visits which are planned to be monthly. To book, please phone 3899 1575 or 0407 059 509 or email with your name, address, phone number and your preferred time.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
biodegradable decomposition vs degradation composition
rubbish free lunch competition
In 100 words or less, write the story of how you actually came to have a healthy, delicious lunch that you took to school. Decide what food you could have in your lunchbox – things that have a minimum of packaging, so that the end result after eating your lunch is rubbish free. Describe the plan of what you wanted to eat, then discuss your choices with your parents about buying no packaging foods or food with packaging that can be composted or recycled rather than being thrown into the rubbish bin to go to land fill. Here is a chance for a student to win and take home the desktop mini recycling wheelie bin that has been held at your school since Madame Mulch presented information sessions on composting and recycling.
The competition is running across the eleven local schools around the Boonah region. There'll also be an overall winner who will be awarded a great prize of a cap made from five recycled plastic bottles and a book called One Planet Living, A Guide to Enjoying Life on Our One Planet.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
scenic rim guide
Thursday, July 29, 2010
volunteer grant
Saturday, July 24, 2010
july meeting
please bring a plate of food to share and feel free to bring along any of your excess produce to share with the group.
Friday, July 2, 2010
aquaponics is the go !!
BOSS purchased the set of DVDs, Aquaponics made Easy and the Secrets of Aquaponics, for the
comments from the visit included “another enjoyable day. The aquaponics setup was very inspiring and Murray was very personable and informative”, “fantastic, always wanted to learn and see aquaponics in action with a view to implementing the system. A great day !!” and “got our creative juices flowing, now need to do it !!”
so thank you Murray for a fantastic day, sharing your knowledge and tasty lettuce. We are pleased to give you a year’s honorary BOSS membership, a small token of our appreciation for your generosity.
raffle prize winners
mt barney lodge mid week accommodation package - angela collyer
barney creek vineyard six bottle wine package - kerri jessup
'couture' by cherie strong - adrian davis
david bland picture framing $75 gift voucher - kathy bensted
david bland clock repairs $75 gift voucher - trevor weber
five class yoga course with jo - margaret freeman
story tree gift pack - joseph monsour
welded steel bowl crafted by max gordon - kris and melinda belfield
boonah to ipswich rail trail shirt - peter van der veen
earth mama belly dance class voucher - marina izat
congratulations everyone !!
Friday, June 18, 2010
world environment day video
there's heaps of pics on facebook, accessible even if you aren't on facebook.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
the madame mulch show
what a lovely school with postive and interested students.
yesterday the madame mulch show focused on composting, and next week she will be presenting a recycling session.
thanks to the scenic rim regional council for funding this program.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
environmental celebration a huge success
Sharon Murakami, president of the Boonah Organisation for a Sustainable Shire (BOSS) who hosted the celebration, says, “the event was a resounding success, with an overall highlight for BOSS being the crowd’s readiness to get involved and embrace the day’s activities.
“Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive with everybody loving the interactive and hands on approach, and the diversity of interesting activities and displays to explore.
The BOSS low food mile slow food stall was a great hit with fresh home grown home made food served on compostable sugarcane plates and cups. “
The community certainly embraced the day, with even the mayor drawn into the rhythm of the day beating up a storm in the drumming tent.
There were many highlights including the moving Welcome to Country, the multitude of workshops and activities, Madame Mulch, the acapella ode to Sugarloaf, the poetry of Judith Wright, the recycled fashion parade, belly dancing featuring local alpaca felted costuming, stalls ranging from bamboo to goatsmilk soap to wild soapnuts to Ugandan wooden crafts, Christopher Trotter’s ‘Chook Racer’ recycled sculpture to young Cassidy Davies’ aluminium can ‘Candelier’, and other inspiring altered art creations produced on the day.
Post highlights are the comments already received since the event including “That was sooooo much fun at yesterday's festivities! Thanks for bringing all those lovely folk together and creating a really special day of awareness !! We all loved it and came home feeling energised and inspired. Such a great vibe !!; and "we had a great time and feel really motivated to get into sustainability stuff!!”
A steady flow of people streamed through the site throughout the day, with around 300 visitors taking in the earth friendly sounds, sights and tastes on offer at the Outlook.
The common response on the day was let’s do this again next year, and it’s clear that everyone is already looking forward to World Environment Day becoming an annual celebration which can only grow in its success.
World Environment Day is important because it provides a focal point for the community the opportunity to celebrate and come together in promoting and spreading the message of sustainable living. Our event is a wonderful example of how that can come together to provide the tools to understand that sustainability is achievable and not out of reach. We are fortunate in that rural communities are in a much better position to lead the way in sustainable living.
BOSS thanks everyone involved, from the Department of Environment and Resource Management, the Outlook, the Scenic Rim Regional Council, those who donated raffle prizes, local produce, plants and baked goods, and our wonderful band of volunteers, entertainers, stall holders and visitors, for their wonderful enthusiasm in embracing World Environment Day.
“It’s heartening to know that members of our community are aware and committed to sharing the ideals of working towards a more sustainable and greener place in which to live and achieving a sense of well being and caring for themselves, country and each other, “ says Sharon.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
mt barney lodge birdweek
Birdweek “Conservation through Education” over one exciting week, Mount Barney Lodge will be hosting bird experts who will conduct guided tours, slideshows and structured workshops to extend your birding knowledge. This program is suitable for amateur or intermediate birders.
Birdweek Leader Barry Davies from Gondwana Guides (Winner of the 2005 and 2009 Australian Eco Guide of the Year) will be the lead guide for the field trips, and will conduct early morning, day and evening guided birdwalks. Barry also lives within the Scenic Rim, and is well known nationally and internationally for his birding expertise. Other leaders will also be on hand to ensure that the leader to participant ratio is personal.
Birdweek Packages - 2 day all inclusive packages (Wed-Fri or Thurs-Sun) start from $3954, and day (Wed-Sun) all inclusive packages start from $775.
A full Birdweek program is available upon request by phoning 07 5544 3233 or email Mt Barney Lodge or visit their website.
Image courtesy of Glossy Black Conservancy
Thursday, June 3, 2010
world environment day program

Free workshops all day, entertainment, great food, wine, stalls and displays focusing on the hand made, locally grown, sourced and created (or recreated) products - featuring low food miles.
Main Stage
9.30am Official Opening
9.40am Welcome to Country
11.00am Recycled Fashion Parade
12.00 – 3pm Live Music
1.30pm Earth Mama Belly Dance
Junk Orchestra Workshops
10am – 10.30am
11am – 11.30am
Sustainability Talks
10.30am – 11.00am
11.30 am – 12noon
Drumming Workshops
9.00am – 9.30am
10.15am – 10.45am
11.30am – 12noon
Altered Art Workshops
11.30am – 12.30pm
2.00pm – 3.00pm
Wildlife Presentations
10.30am – 11.00am
12.30pm – 1.00pm
Friday, May 28, 2010
bread tags

I have been collecting all year and I still only have half a bottle !! zillions more are needed. so instead of tossing yours in the bin, please keep them for this worthy cause.
please keep collecting after world environment day. they can be given to pam at blue care in macquarie street, boonah.
madam mulch
Thursday, May 27, 2010
signs are up
Friday, May 21, 2010
mobile muster

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
partnering with yugambeh museum

Your donations would really be appreciated.
Monday, May 17, 2010
tree planting
Recently 103 trees were planted at the Fassifern Reserve, in an effort to reduce the carbon impacts produced by the project. Twenty varieties including specialty timber trees will attract native birds, koalas, insects and butterflies. This revegetation has been supported by the Scenic Rim Regional Council, who provided the site and prepared it for planting.
Thomas Bell and Marty Moesker, from Trees Land Carbon did a fine job of planting the trees at the Fassifern Reserve which is near the intersection of the Cunningham Highway and the Boonah Fassifern Road.
altered art workshop
Bring along any scrapbooking materials, stamps, stickers, old watches, fabric scraps, photos, bottle tops, old keys, old coins and beading materials, old junk or broken jewellery, silk or dried flowers.

Friday, May 14, 2010
aquaponics field trip
Sunday June 27, leaves Boonah at 9.30am and returning around 2.30pm after a picnic lunch.
Monday, May 3, 2010
the wonders of bamboo
Set amidst a local bamboo grove on the side of a crater, learn about bamboo as a renewable resource and the different uses for different bamboos.
Session includes creating small items from bamboo canes and poles.
Bamboo will be supplied, but please bring tools, such as knives, hand drills, files, fine tooth saws and sand paper.
Originally scheduled for Saturday 29 May, however the rain changed those plans. The workshop has been rescheduled for Monday 14 June 2010, from 12 - 3pm $10 for materials. Session will be catered.
Email to get further information or to register.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
world environment day

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
felted pots with sue wright
9.30 - 11.30am. $10
learn how to turn a handful of wool into a beautiful felted pot.
a fun introductory 'hands on' workshop to working with sheep wool fibre to produce a small pot.
participants will require dexterity with their hands in order to create the pot. There re several techniques involved, eg, layering cleaned and processed fleece, 'massaging', decorating, rolling and shaping.
All materials will be supplied, but please bring an old towel.
Email for more info or to book.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
eco batik with patena moesker

natural products like brown onion skins, tannin from wood, or aged metals.
The process involves dyeing fabric by making use of a resist technique; covering areas of cloth with wax, a dye-resistant substance, to prevent the fabric absorbing colors.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Scenic Rim Low Carbon Diet

Tourism operators and community members within the Scenic Rim are invited to a series of free workshops to improve their business sustainability for better efficiency and real dollar savings. The workshops will educate and challenge the participants to make real reductions in the carbon footprint of their business operations.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Workshops for Local Schools
Thanks to funding from the Scenic Rim Regional Council’s Sustainability Program, local primary schools will be offered the opportunity to participate in innovative waste minimisation education.
The approach will be to support and enhance initiatives already in place in schools or to assist in introducing new concepts.
Schools will be offered a selection of themes from which to choose, with the aim of raising students’ awareness and thereby allowing them to make informed choices. The focus will be on the students as ambassadors of ‘smart waste’ behaviours, spreading the message within their socialising circles and families.
Far more than just the usual recycling messages, the program includes the opportunity learn from the entertaining Madam Mulch.
Heavily involved in the program are Rob and Jo Davies who are well known for creating junk instruments and orchestras where they improvise music from recycled materials. Their Dumplings Junk Band featured at the Recycling Festival hosted by the Cubberla-Witton Catchments Network in 2009.
BOSS to boost community awareness on being ‘resourceful’
BOSS President Sharon Murakami, said, “BOSS has been working on the ground with local community, local council and other government agencies for several years to promote and encourage sustainable living.”
“The Natural Resources Awareness grant allows our organisation to further our objectives and provide the community with creative and practical information and skills to live more sustainably.”
Boonah is at the centre of World Heritage sites, National Parks, and prime farming land and those living amongst such natural beauty are increasingly confronted with the challenges of modern living and the impact this puts on our natural environment.
Sharon explains, “Since BOSS was created the organisation has witnessed an increasing awareness and commitment by the local community to live and act more sustainably. However we still have challenges in reducing our collective carbon footprint. For example many of our larger primary producers do not sell locally.
Such local dilemmas formed the basis for the funding submission, such as the importance of promoting and encouraging local produce to be the first choice of the community.
The project involves a series of workshops and field days and the development of information packages which will culminate in a World Environment Day event on Saturday June 5.
Themes will include working with natural produce and products in the garden and in the home, including aquaponics, the myriad uses of food and waste, caring for chooks, creating musical instruments from junk, fabric making using organic material and low energy cooking methods.
The project also includes a component of tree planting to offset carbon impacts, and collation of information regarding local recycling opportunities and locally sourced products.
The overall aim is for the Boonah community to have an increased awareness of what is grown and produced locally, how to limit impacts on landfill by creatively upcycling and freecycling, and how to reduce carbon footprints.
Changing community landfill attitude and behaviour is vital as the Scenic Rim Regional Council recently undertook a carbon audit which highlighted landfill sites are the region’s largest emitters of carbon.
BOSS will work with other community groups particularly those who have a focus on primary produce and the natural environment in developing the project.
Already plans are underway for the program to provide educational workshop support to a new gardening working bee initiative where people will exchange their labour, produce, and helpful gardening advice.
BOSS member Jo Davies who is coordinating the gardening exchange scheme sees the Natural Resources Awareness grant as providing an invaluable opportunity for educational resources to transform an idea into a long-term practical solution to acting locally and living more sustainably.
For more information regarding the upcoming workshops or field trips, or to make general enquiries with BOSS please contact BOSS via email at or phone 5463 4774.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
SEQ Living Landscapes Forum
The forum was hosted by the Regional Landscape and Open Space Advisory Committee and presented by the Queensland Government Department of Infrastructure and Planning and the South East Queensland Council of Mayors.
The keynote speaker was Dr John Williams, BSc Agr (Hons) PhD Commissioner of the Natural Resources Commission of New South Wales.
The forum focused on solutions for urban and regional dependencies to enhance livability; managing multiple values to maintain economically viable and socially vibrant communities; and working together in an uncertain future of climate change and increasing fuel prices.
welcome to the blog of the boonah organisation for a sustainable shire
BOSS focuses on the values, principles, and aspirations which underpin a sustainable future for Boonah and beyond. BOSS is committed to ensuring our community has a vibrant, caring and green future with a visible connection and celebration of its past and the natural environment.
Membership is open to everyone who shares those goals.
Currently our membership extends from Boonah across Beaudesert and Mt Barney, and over to Beechmont, the Gold Coast and Brisbane.