Sunday, April 20, 2014

volunteer training

This training is free to members to help them become stronger advocates for change in our communities and become more familiar with the scope of activities and campaigns BOSS is and can be involved with now and into the future.

This is WHAT we are proposing to do to make the BOSS management committee team and other volunteer members the most REMARKABLE change agents in town.

We are going to join Anita Egginton around the kitchen table in to cook up some new and fresh ideas about the way we do business.

 Why would I want to do this?

  • ­ I want to be the best change agent I can be.
  • ­ I want to be the best human being I can be.
  • ­ I want to do this with other members of my community!

What can I expect?
Kitchen tables are communal and welcoming places. Stories and knowledge are shared, relationships and trust built, and good times (and food) are had.

Session One - Engaging people in our message and action
Membership – Sunday 4 May 10am – 1pm
This session will focus on our purpose, our values and our agenda for action, and how to give and get the most out of our activities and interactions.

Session Two - PLANtastic Lunch - Planning for some remarkable action
Plastic campaign working group - Sunday 18 May 10am – 1pm
This session will work with the plastics campaign working group to develop the scope and associated strategies to reduce the reliance on single use plastics in Boonah. These learnings can be applied to all projects, and we encourage those people keen to work on special projects to attend this session.

For best results, please aim to attend both sessions, however attending even one session will be great. If you have friends or colleagues who would also like to attend, they are also welcome.

Both sessions will be held in the Conference Room at the Outlook, Boonah Ipswich Road, Boonah.

For further information and to register please contact us via email. These sessions will be catered by the amazing Melinda Belfield, so we can be assured of being well fed. Please let us know if you have any special dietary requirements.

BOSS is all about promoting positive environmental and social change.

Successful and sustained change needs six key ingredients:

1. Positive buzz about what you are doing – this happens when people share optimistic stories about the change you are proposing
2. An offer of hope to the people who you want to be involved – this is when people make the connection between the ‘novel’ action you are proposing and their own hopes and frustrations
3. An enabling environment for people to make a change – this is when people’s environments make the new behaviours you (and they) want them to have easy to do and to sustain
4. Solutions that stick to people’s lives in the long term – you want people’s old habits, actions and behaviours to be unlearned and the new and preferred ones fully embraced and embedded into people’s everyday lives
5. Conditions for people’s comfort zones to expand – this is when a part of what you offer as a solution or new habit recognises and helps address any fears people have
6. The right inviter to encourage people to join in – you know that person; the influencer, the inspiring, trusted person in the community of interest who invites and gives confidence to people to follow on with a new way of doing things.

Thanks to the Federal Government's Volunteer Grants initiative for funding this training.

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